
          Kidsoft Tutorial – Registering for RPS OSHC



What is Kidsoft?

Kidsoft is the software program we use to manage enrolments for our OSHC Service.
It makes it simple and easy to record enrolments and serves as a record for you as parents
and guardians.
What you will need before you Enrol
• Centrelink Customer Reference Numbers (CRNs) for yourself and your child if you
would like to claim Child Care Subsidy (CCS). Note that the person completing the
enrolment must be the same person linked to the child for CCS.
• A copy of your child's immunisation record.
• A copy of your child’s Medical Action Plan (if applicable).
• A copy of any existing Court or Parenting Orders (if applicable).
How to join a waitlist on Kidsoft:
1. Go to
2. Sign up with your name and email
3. Open confirmation email (this may take 10-20 minutes to arrive)
4. Click the link in the email
5. Create your password
6. After creating your password, you’ll see this page:




7. Choose search service provider, or type in Rosedale Primary School OSHC, Click
    ‘Create Waitlist’ and fill out the relevant fields and submit
8. Done, your child is now on the waitlist. If you have any questions for your centre, click
    the ‘send communication’ button.
9. Once the waitlist entry is received by Rosedale Primary OSHC, you will be invited to
    complete an enrolment form for your child. Note that an enrolment form will need to be
    submitted for each child.

10.Download the Kidsoft Parent Portal application, from your App Store, to your phone
     to make managing your children’s bookings a breeze.


© Rosedale Primary School